Jon Wilbur of Rutland, Vermont Makes Bowling History!

Jon Wilbur of Rutland, Vermont made bowling history on January 14, 2019 by bowling a 900 series. Jon’s accomplishment is the first in the state of Vermont and makes him only the 35th person to do this in the world! Not surprisingly, Jon has always been an accomplished bowler. He’s already been inducted into the Vermont Bowling Hall of Fame.

The event took place during his normal Monday Commercial League and the three games were held at the Rutland Bowlerama & Ten Pin Lounge. Visit their website here.

Want to Join A League?

Bowling is a great activity for everyone of all ages and abilities. If you're ready to take your bowling to the next level, why not join a league? It's a fun way to meet new people and have fun! Just select the button here to find the nearest bowling center near you. Have fun!

P.O. Box 967
Montpelier VT 05601-0967